Silly Me

So here we are. It's March and I seriously don't even know how 2 whole months have already passed. But they did and I'm ready to see what this month has in store! Today has been quite the day. It's Tuesday and this Tuesday feels like another Monday. To start off my day, I chased… Continue reading Silly Me

End of the Year Revelations!

Guys! it's December! Holy cow! I seriously can't believe how fast this year has gone. It feels just like yesterday I was packing up my house in TX, uncertain of what my life would look like in MN. Here I am nearly 7 months later having the time of my life up north! I know… Continue reading End of the Year Revelations!

Fake it till you make it

Well, fall is in full swing here in our lovely state of Minnesota! The leaves are beginning to turn from the summer shades of green to shades of golden-yellow, bright oranges and deep reds. We have a few cooler days ahead and I am counting down the days until I can wear my favorite sweaters… Continue reading Fake it till you make it